What does my order status mean?

In My Orders, you can easily find each order you've placed and its current status. On your order details page, various help options will be available based on your order status.

Please see the table below to learn what options are available to you at each stage of your order.

My Order Status Is:

That Means:

Right Now I Can:

Pending Payment

Your order is currently incomplete, awaiting payment. Once we've received your payment, we will confirm it within 24 hours and begin processing your order.

- Complete your payment
- Reorder
- Cancel this order


Payment Received,We’ve received your payment and are beginning verification to ensure payment security.
Payment Confirmed,Your payment has just been confirmed and we will begin processing your order immediately.
Packaging,All products require processing before shipment. Processing includes selecting your products, quality assurance checks and careful packaging for shipment. Average processing time: 1-3 business days. Exception: Made-To-Order items: 3-7 business days.

- Check order progress
- Resolve a payment issue
- Cancel this order
- Request a change of shipping address


Everything in your order has been packaged and sent to the shipping address you provided.

- Resolve a payment issue
- Request a return or refund
- Report missing or wrong products


This order has been cancelled.

- Resolve a payment issue (for refunds)
- Reorder